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Ana Ravu

Marine Affairs Student

School of Marine Studies

University of the South Pacific



We are Marine Studies Students who are concerned on the threats of our mangrove and reef ecosystems.As an Island nation surrounded by  reefs and scattered mangroves around our deltas or wetlands, people have become heavily depended on these two ecosystems for a number of services it provides. However with drastic increasing population coupled with rapid development and urbanization, these two fragile habitats have been affected severely. Its degradation does not only affect biodiversity but also the people that are dependent on it. It is important to make known to people the essentials of this ecosystems and how it should be preserved and respected for its resiliency to exploitation. Both ecosystems are considered nursery for juveniles and larval settlement, thus both are vital habitats for recruitment and the expansion of a particular fishery. Engaging the community to be aware of its importance in provision and deterioration will give them an initiative to conserve and exploit them sustainably for long term purposes.      

Lillian Trail Togavuto

Marine Science Student

School of Marine Studies

University of the South Pacific



Epeli M Loganimoce

Marine Science Student

School of Marine Studies

University of the South Pacific



Meet the Team

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