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Goals and Aims


  1. To colloborate with existing NGO's within Fiji (IUCN, SPREP, WWF, SPC, SMS etc) and governmental organizartions like Ministry of Agriculture, Mngroves For Fiji etc, in order to help raise awareness on hte issues faced by coastline communities on their marine resources with emphasis on coral reefs and mangrove ecosystems.

  2. The program facilitates an educational competition on coral reefs and mangrove ecosysstems with a nimber of primary and secondary school sudents wuthin Fiji's main Island. Students are introduced with an Environmental Leadership Challenge (ELC) and trying to come with inovative ideas of how to save the two ecosystems from declining health status.

  3. Interact with local communities and invovle them with a participatory workshop on the ifeas of how they would like to manage and govern their Customary Fishing Grounds. This connects with educating locals with acquired set of knowledge to cause realization of how vital it is to maitain these two ecosystems. These invovles teaching the ecommunity the essence of Ecosystem Based Management and Intergrated Coastal Zone Management.

  4. Finally, this project will be a baseline survey for our long term measures and continous ngagement with communities and partner oraganizations

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